So, Gizmo came to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with us. We brought him home after going to Keri and Ryan's for dinner. This was the first dinner that Keri and Ryan have hosted that included both families. We had a good time, especially listening to childhood memories and things our children swore we did, but that I highly doubt. We had a wonderful ham (that reminded me of Virginia ham), potatoes that will become a new tradition, salad, and roasted asparagus. And spiced cider - I had the unspiked version.
Anyway, Gizmo was delightful as usual and it always surprises me how well he can keep up and hold his own with our dogs. Ardella is just fascinated by Gizmo and displays a lot of patience and gentleness around him. Gizmo can get carried away, but he adores Ardella.
He would like Aidan more if Aidan had the patience level of Ardella, but mostly Aidan hides from Gizmo. He did get at least 1 or 2 times of playing tug with him though, as displayed below.
Everyone got together at our house on Christmas day (dinner included turkey and sides we hadn't cooked before, like smoked paprika roasted carrots, and Trader Joes fruit tarts for dessert). We ate a lot. The dogs left us alone because I had frozen quality canned dog food in Kongs for them to eat instead of dry kibble. After dinner they continued to play. What amused me most was when Gizmo got Ardella by the drag line and tried to pull her around the living room. He was so excited by that.
It got a little old for Ardella.
Here she is trying to get some sympathy from Sue, Ryan's mother.
The game ended eventually, and Ardella never showed any irritation towards Gizmo whatsoever. I'm pleased that she is this way with puppies - it gives me hope that we'll be able to raise a puppy again sooner than I thought.
We had a nice Christmas, especially the company. I'll add books, CDs, TV series, etc. later. I have to go back to work.