Monday, January 3, 2011

Vegas Baby! Part 2

As I said in my last Vegas post, the decadence of this town is hard to absorb.
Here I am in the lobby of the Venetian Hotel. (I even took pics of the public restrooms in this and the Paris Hotel. Yeah, I know that makes me sound like a country bumpkin, and maybe I am, but they're soooo pretty!)

This is the hallway leading to the lobby.

Paris hotel at night:

I treated myself to lunch at the Eiffel Tower Restaurant.

And what a treat it was! Their service made me feel like a queen, even in my jeans and T-shirt.

Cream of Butternut Squash soup:

Ocean Seafood Salad with Lobster, Shrimp and Crab

And Crème brûlée for dessert.

It was all sooooo delicious!

In my final Vegas post I'll show you the two reasons why I went to Las Vegas.

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