I received my package from Cristina (Ravelry ID Karmologyclinic) from Greece. It was a wonderful package. It was aesthetically attractive, educational, and I was introduced to treats I've never tried before and also have the opportunity to learn a new skill with regard to coffee. Cristina was also the person I sent to and I had a wonderful time reading her blog and being inspired by her many crafty talents. I think my new favorite color combination is now pink and orange - one I'd not noticed before reading Cristina's blog and coffee questionnaire.

Cristina loves fabric and she made the card she sent me. You can read about how she made it here. I love the idea and hope to do this myself. Cristina sent me some pretty beads that I want to use on cards, too. It will take me awhile to do the crocheted flowers!

The coffee was Mocha coffee from Ethiopia and it's very good. Cristina also gave me Greek coffee and provided the tools to make it. The little red pot with the handle is what I make the coffee with, and the little cup is how I drink it. I'm really thrilled with this! I haven't had a chance to make any coffee yet, but have plans to do so as soon as I post this entry. There will be a followup post.
The cup was fantastic - I love the design and the size is perfect! It's my new favorite cup.
I also received sock yarn in all my favorites colors. I'm not sure I'll make socks - I'm thinking I'll make a scarf.
The package contained some delicious taffy-like candy made with the resin of mastic, which is a shrub grown on the island of Chios. It has a pine-like taste and mastic has all kinds of healing properties, from fighting tooth decay and to fighting stomach ailments. Read more about mastic here. The candy is gone - I finished my last piece Friday evening. The pretty green wrappers are what is left. I want my sister to take note of this candy. I'm sending her some money to stock up on more of it when she goes to Cyprus for her son's wedding reception this summer. (I'm assuming she'll be able to find it there).
I loved everything, Cristina, especially the "Greekness" of the package. Learning new skills and trying things from other countries are the reason I love international swaps. Swap leaders take note - I want to swap with Cristina again!
This reminds me to say StitchCraft opened last week! I'll talk about it in my next entry.
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