Thursday, November 13, 2008

Guide Dog Puppy Club

I went back to puppy club tonight and met 2 brand new puppies - they had just arrived a week ago. I was impressed with how easy they were to handle. The puppies are handled from the time they are 3 weeks old, but these were the calmest puppies I have seen to date. They were yellow Labs and I think they're going to be great guide dogs.

I also turned in applications to raise puppies and to be a puppy sitter. I've been to 3 meetings, will go to a graduation on Saturday, and will have a home visit next week. We'll also be attending an outing next week and then we'll have to puppy sit 2 puppies who are in different puppy stages. I'm a little nervous about the home visit because the visitor brings a dog to see how our pets will react. I'm worried about Aidan and how he'll respond to another dog in the house after his experience with Charlie. He was wagging his tail when he sniffed my hands after class tonight, so I hope that's a good sign.

I'm having lunch with Keri tomorrow for the first time in 2 months and I'm looking forward to that. I finished The Story of Edgar Sawtelle and loved it. The Echo Maker (book I'm reading now) is okay, but it doesn't grab me like Edgar Sawtelle did. I didn't want the book to end. I'm almost finished with a pair of socks, but they are a Christmas present for my mother so I can't show them yet. My goal for the weekend is to finish them.

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