Friday, February 20, 2009

A Finished Object and Ardella and Annalynn reunite

I see that the package I sent to Richmond has arrived and so I think it's safe to post a picture of the socks I sent to my Loopy Ewe pal, Monnie. These are Moonflower socks, a pattern by Chrissy Gardiner, and the yarn is Epistemon by The Sanguine Gryphon. I've admired the Sanguine Gryphon's yarn for a long time so welcomed the chance to use it in the swap since it was on Monnie's wish list. I enjoyed the pattern, it was the first Chrissy Gardiner pattern I've finished and was the same pattern on both sides of the sock - usually there are 2 different ones on her patterns.

Moonflower socks

The big news for today is that Karren and I got together with littermates Annalynn and Ardella today. We met at a Starbucks close to both of us. I took lots of pictures, but only 3 turned out. The puppies seemed to remember one another and there was a lot of licking and ear cleaning. Karren suggested the puppies trade toys for the visit and this really worked to keep them calm and lying down beside one another.

Ardella and Annalynn switching toys

A&A playing appropriately

The funny thing is, Annalynn is larger than Ardella, but in these pictures they look so much alike that I can't tell them apart. At some point in the meeting we switched puppies, and I think that in this next picture, I'm holding Annalynn's leash and Karren is holding Ardella's. This picture was taken by a barista who is interested in receiving her own service dog and was talking to us about different programs that could meet her needs.

Annalynn and Ardella meeting at 16 weeks

I think the puppies were happy to see one another and Karren and I are going to try for a once-a-month get together.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Valentines Day and Ardella at 15 Weeks

Valentine card 2009

That is my Valentine's Day card from Lyn this year. If you can't read the captions, they say: "I thought love was only true in fairy tales."
"Then I saw your face..."
"Now I'm a retriever."

I bet this card was circulated lots among puppy raisers this year. Now the card sits in a beautiful pot of Jasmine which smells heavenly, I can't forget that, but I got such a laugh from the card.

Little Miss A is 15 weeks this week and we've been busy. Ardella got a Halti that fits at the last puppy meeting and now walking is like driving with power steering. I love that thing! She's handled it very well with only a little resistance. On Friday we're going to visit sister Annalynn and raiser Karren at a coffee shop. I can't wait to see if the two puppies recognize one other. Here is Ardella in her jacket. As you can see, she's going to outgrow it soon.

Ardella in jacket

In other pet news, Aidan is learning to track a scent. This entails making 3 x 3 boxes and putting food around the perimeters of the box and then having Aidan sniff inside the box for the food. He likes it and will probably do well because food is a motivator for him. We're taking a tracking class as opposed to an agility class because Aidan is afraid of the agility equipment. Tracking a scent was recommended as a fun activity for Aidan since he really needs something special to do while we are paying so much attention to Ardella lately.

Theo and Misha

Lyn took this picture of Theo and Misha in a rare moment of companionship. I think minutes later Theo did his typical manhandling of Misha to have the top of the cat tree for himself, so they weren't being nice for long. Makes a nice picture though.

I finished my Loopy Ewe swap project and it's on its way to Richmond. It should arrive on Friday or Saturday. I'm making good progress on my ISE 7 scarf, too. I think this will be the end of swaps for me this year. I have too many projects I need to get done for family members (like my daughter who is getting married). I don't know. We'll see how long I last before I give into the urge to join a swap.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Read the Book!

I have to say that Slumdog Millionaire is NOT the same movie as the book. I loved the movie, but the book is always better. Always. Read the book (Q&A - it's my current read).

Ardella was well behaved. I was very proud of her.

Back to normal

I think I can safely say I have recovered from the concussion. I had a last dizzy spell on Tuesday while driving to a Portland meeting, but nothing since then. The concussion was never serious, just postconcussive symptoms that were annoying for much longer than I wanted them to be.

Since I last wrote, Ardella has grown (surprise, surprise!). She's gotten taller and has filled out a bit all over. Here she is sitting on her tie-down mat. That forked toy is a sterilized deer antler which is equivalent to those sterile bones guide dogs are allowed to play with. I buy them at Everything in the Ark.

Ardella sitting 13 weeks 4 days.

And here she is standing. That ball is a Jolly Ball and is the best.toy.ever next to orange juice containers.

Ardella at 13 weeks 4 days

Developmentally, Ardella was a bit of a challenge starting around 12 weeks. She was developmentally appropriate, but it's a stage where puppies start having purposeful play to establish and fight for the alpha position. We had some snapping and hard biting while doing daily handling (checking paws, teeth, ears, etc.) Fortunately, I got some help at puppy class and one of the leaders is going to come to our home this week to help us more. I learned proper corrections and it improved things dramatically. Ardella is much more pleasant to be around now. EDIT: I just have to gush about Guide Dogs for the Blind. I am just thrilled with the support and help I've received from my club, my regional leader, fellow puppy raisers. You can't fail with them - there is help for every problem with puppy and with me as a learning raiser. It's just the best guide dog group out there!

This picture demonstrates an activity called "Going to Bed." Guide Dogs for the Blind has been using the clicker technique with some handlers and is bringing in clicker training with select activities to all raisers. Going to bed is a command to send a dog to a temporary location - mat, bed - while you go to the door or need the dog to be out of the way while you have company - a temporary stay, I guess. You start by marking a behavior you want your dog to repeat. In this case when Ardella walks to a mat I mark the behavior with a word (in this case "nice") and then feed her some of her kibble (rationed out of a meal - not extra food). Ardella caught on very quickly and I was quite excited to try out the technique myself at home. I seem to have overdone it - she lost her dinner last night, along with all the bark, leaves, dirt, etc. she had been consuming that day at her Auntie Deanna's home (Ardella's second home of late), not to mention the stuff she consumes from our back yard. I think everyone was a little enthusiastic about teaching Ardella to "Go to bed." Anyway, here she is after I marked her going to the mat. She's waiting for the reward.

Ardella playing nice

Deanna kept Ardella yesterday while Keri and I enjoyed shopping for a wedding gown (and Lyn went to Corvallis for Quarterly Meeting). Keri found one - it was the last gown she tried on. I was glad Keri tried on 6 gowns because she was ready to get #1. This activity cemented in my mind that Keri is really getting married and now I'm getting excited. We have a location, a caterer, and now the dress. Keri has friends handling cake and invitations and she's definitely staying within her budget.

Keri had some of the Slumdog Millionaire soundtrack on her i-pod and I had to go get the soundtrack for myself. I'm reading the book and we're about to go to the movie (we're taking Ardella). I love the soundtrack and the book. I expect I'll love the movie, too, although from quizzing Keri the movie and book are very different. Doesn't matter - it's about Mumbai. I love reading about Mumbai!

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Looking for a unique way to adorn your head? Or an alternative to a traditional bridal veil? Perhaps a Fascinator is your answer. Fascinators range from demure creations of silk flowers, to elaborate ensembles of feathers, bobbles and beads.

SmittenXOXO offers a wide range of beautiful, well-crafted headpieces at an extremely reasonable price.  In a month or less, she will fashion you a custom fascinator using her amazing skills in color and composition. (Note: Buy one to wear on your dress too.)

{Above images: SmittenXOXO}

Fascinators also serve as a way to anchor your traditional or retro veil. Unveiled Bridal Designs offer a variety of fascinator and veil combos that you can customize to your liking. I just adore these eye length wedge veils, so chic! 

{Above images: Unveiled Bridal Designs}