Friday, February 20, 2009

A Finished Object and Ardella and Annalynn reunite

I see that the package I sent to Richmond has arrived and so I think it's safe to post a picture of the socks I sent to my Loopy Ewe pal, Monnie. These are Moonflower socks, a pattern by Chrissy Gardiner, and the yarn is Epistemon by The Sanguine Gryphon. I've admired the Sanguine Gryphon's yarn for a long time so welcomed the chance to use it in the swap since it was on Monnie's wish list. I enjoyed the pattern, it was the first Chrissy Gardiner pattern I've finished and was the same pattern on both sides of the sock - usually there are 2 different ones on her patterns.

Moonflower socks

The big news for today is that Karren and I got together with littermates Annalynn and Ardella today. We met at a Starbucks close to both of us. I took lots of pictures, but only 3 turned out. The puppies seemed to remember one another and there was a lot of licking and ear cleaning. Karren suggested the puppies trade toys for the visit and this really worked to keep them calm and lying down beside one another.

Ardella and Annalynn switching toys

A&A playing appropriately

The funny thing is, Annalynn is larger than Ardella, but in these pictures they look so much alike that I can't tell them apart. At some point in the meeting we switched puppies, and I think that in this next picture, I'm holding Annalynn's leash and Karren is holding Ardella's. This picture was taken by a barista who is interested in receiving her own service dog and was talking to us about different programs that could meet her needs.

Annalynn and Ardella meeting at 16 weeks

I think the puppies were happy to see one another and Karren and I are going to try for a once-a-month get together.

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