Sunday, June 13, 2010

Litter #2

Yep, I'm doing it again! I was having kitten withdrawals and got a phone call Friday afternoon asking me if I wanted some more. I think I was there in 7 minutes to pick them up. I got another litter of 4, 3 males, 1 female. There are 2 tabby kittens, a male and a female, and 2 black male kittens who I can't tell apart. It's like having black labs in class! I think I'll be keeping their neck IDs on for awhile. I haven't named the kittens yet, maybe when I can tell all of them apart I'll do that. Here are a few pictures:

Male tabby - has more gray on his face:

Male tabby

Female tabby in basket:

Cute face

One of the black kittens:

black kitten in basket

Another one:

black kitten in cat bed

Lyn and I took Kristin to the Land Bridge that passes over SR14. This is a walk that takes us through Ft. Vancouver and then to bridge which is a tribute to the natural area and also to some of the history. Our puppy group had taken an outing here a few weeks ago and I had really wanted to attend, but we couldn't because we were sick. Kristin went with another handler and did very well. We decided to take her with us yesterday. We went in the evening was and the weather was just perfect!

An in-line skater stopped and offered to take a group picture:

Lyn, me and Kristin

Kristin by herself, looking away from the camera:

Just Kristin

Lots of anxiety-producing changes at work. Technology is going to rapidly take over my job and it all starts going forward next month. Will I even be employed in a few months? I'm reading a book on the middle age brain to arm myself with facts that people who aren't 20 have something to bring to the work force. The job outlook looks dismal for me right now, but I'm calling forth my revolutionary side to fight age discrimination. A friend put this on Facebook yesterday. I loved it and thought I'd share it with anyone who needs a lift right now:

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