Tuesday, June 8, 2010


I never thought I'd see the day, but I think Ardella and Kristin can tolerate each other now. We got a new bed for Kristin that is big enough for 2 dogs. Lately, the bed has been in my office and Ardella will sometimes come in and sleep on the bed with Kristin.

A&K looking at camera

Ardella still likes her space though, and it takes awhile to warm up to Kristin.

A&K posing on new bed

However, she's getting there. Kristin really likes Ardella and when Ardella goes to sleep, Kristin likes to sleep on a paw or belly. I love it when this happens:

Ardella and Kristin

I'm not going to jinx Kristin by reporting on her progress. No news is good news. I will post pictures though.

The kittens didn't leave on Friday, but they are leaving tomorrow. I was supposed to keep them through Monday, but some spots opened up for male cats to be neutered so they're leaving tomorrow. Two of them have potential adopters - my neighbor's son and his girlfriend are each adopting one kitten - that would be Flicker for the GF and Flame for my neighbor's son. I'm going to miss the kittens like crazy, but I've been assured there will be other litters coming in since it is kitten season. I don't think any litter can be as cute as this one though. I have a movie, but it takes awhile to download those and it needs editing, so I'll post it tomorrow.

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