Friday, December 7, 2007

Four-Day Weekend!

I'm taking the next 2 days off from work and then have my regular weekend so I can concentrate on knitting projects. I'll be working on 2 scarves, a pair of socks, a hat, and some fingerless gloves for a coworker. I'll also be narrowing down the project I'm going to knit for my Loopy Ewe swap pal. Each of these projects has led to another project for someone else. So far I've decided to knit EVERY SINGLE ONE of my team at work fingerless gloves, my supervisor a scarf, and who knows what else. None of this is going to happen, but I have 4 days of unlimited knitting time and this makes me feel like I can do everything. If I'm lucky, I'll finish the scarf!

We have yet to decorate for Christmas. That will probably get done this weekend, too.

Meanwhile, my youngest son has moved back in with us. The house is feels smaller and we're adjusting to a bit more food in the fridge, a car that is often not here, and to some noise intrusion of what my husband calls "rhythmic chest beating" (otherwise known as rap music). The dogs are very happy to have more attention, and I love having late night company when I get off work at night.

I finished 2 books in the last week - The Inn at the End of the World by Alice Thomas Ellis, and Better by Atul Gawande (links in side bar). The first was very entertaining and a seasonal read (sort of), the second a group of thoughtful essays about medical performance. I recommend both books - two of my better reads this year. It's been a mediocre reading year.

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