Monday, December 24, 2007

Is it really Christmas tomorrow?

I'm resurfacing after almost a month of no posts. I've been knitting, but not getting anywhere - the more I do, the farther away my projects are from being finished. So, one child gets a half a pair of socks, another gets a hat up to the decrease point, and a cousin's thank-you gift is 2 repeats away from being done (not a Christmas present, but still). My parents' gifts will come as soon as they can, but they may be delivered in person in late April! I don't think I'm going to knit presents for Christmas anymore.

I have to work tomorrow. This fact has not been happily accepted by me, but at least it's only 4 hours, except I was so ecstatic over only having to work 4 hours that I volunteered to work New Year's too. It will be different next year, but that doesn't make me feel better.

My children will be here tonight and we'll exchange gifts then. My youngest works tomorrow and then he's going to a basketball game. I'd be mad, but the game is also a gift to my husband and they're going together, so he's sweet. My daughter and oldest son will be staying overnight and they daughter boards a plane tomorrow evening to go stay with her boyfriend and his family. We'll be together a short time, so I have that at least.

A cheerful bit of news is that my secret Loopy Ewe swap pal sent me a very lovely and thought gift that arrived on Saturday. She's keeping her identity a secret until the swap is over, so until then she's Loopy Ewe Swap Pal (the one knitting for me).

She sent me a special custom made teabag holder, with a little tea pot bag holder to put used tea bags on, as well as some very tasty tea. The pottery is very nice and is made by Clouds Folsom. So, thank you Loopy Ewe Swap Pal! This was a very thoughtful gift and it cheered me up the day it came.

I need to go back to my knitting corner. Maybe I'll be able to finish the hat and will actually have a finished gift to give someone this evening.

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