Friday, January 23, 2009

Nontraditional Service Animals

Earlier this week, a friend of mine gave me an article that her daughter, Rebecca Skloot, had written for the New York Times Magazine, 1/4/09 issue on nontraditional service animals. I found an NPR story on the same article and I'm linking to that because not only is the magazine article linked there, but so is Rebecca Skloot's blog. At any rate, it's a fascinating article about how other animals besides dogs are used to help people with disabilities and how the public is reacting to the use of these animals. I knew about miniature ponies, but never had envisioned how a pony could be trained to be a guide. I only knew that one advantage was the lifespan of a pony, that they could work as guides longer than dogs, but I had no idea what they could do.

I can understand the health concerns of the public regarding other animals, but I've been inspired by the human-animal bond for some time and hope that there is a change of public attitude. At any rate, read or listen to the article. It raises some concerns, but certainly is educational.

My baby is with a sitter for a few days and I think this is best for us all until I'm really on my feet again. I sure miss her though!

I'm afraid I am really going to be late with my Loopy Ewe swap package. I feel so bad. I keep telling myself I'm a "flake," but I don't know how to speed up the healing process and I still intend to send the package, even though it will be late. Argh! I hate accidents!

I keep thinking I owe people e-mails, so if I do, be patient. I'll sort it out eventually.

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