to this
Ardella grows daily and it's obvious even to us when she gets up that her legs are longer or she's filled out a little more. Ardella is not napping as much as she was when she first got here and has become an assertive, confident (sometimes bossy) puppy. This week we went to the Vancouver Mall for a scavenger hunt and I tired before Ardella ever did. Ardella has taken a few trips to the grocery store and to the pet store. She rides in the cart, usually stands with her paws perched on the back of the cart while we maneuver our way through the adoring crowds of people that swarm on her when on outings.
Ardella likes Aidan and Aidan is warming up. The cats are so-so in their attitude and Ardella has pretty good manners with cats.
Ardella has gotten angry a few times when we've taken leaves and rocks out of her mouth, but mostly she's a lovable little bundle.
Work was a little challenging this week, but Ardella seemed to adjust to the schedule and I adjusted my breaks to coincide with outdoor/play time. I eat lunch at my desk and use the 30 minutes of break to take Ardella for walks and to feed her. I get up at 5:30 (well, theoretically), take Ardella out to "do her business," and then Lyn takes over from 6 to 8 before he goes to work. After 2:30 we play, go on outings, etc. When Lyn gets home from work, I try and fit in knitting, but that's been hard. I'm usually ready for bed at 9:30, sometimes Ardella is.
Ardella likes to play with tug toys. I spent some money on toys only to find that her absolute favorite toy is an empty orange juice container. Here's the toy about an hour after she received it. I'm obviously going to need to solicit my friends for empty orange juice containers!
I had a big thrill this afternoon when Bruna's raiser contacted me. I received an invitation to her blog and learned the names of all of Ardella's litter mates and even saw a You Tube film. That was awesome! I'll tell the rest of the names after I know it's okay to do so. I know there is supposed to be a big event in August where all the litter mates and puppy raisers can meet, but it's really nice to get to know them now while the puppies are little. It sounds like they all have a few physical traits in common - like those darker spots on the tips of the ears (yellow lab puppies at least).
Anyway, it's been a long week. I'm behind in knitting projects, but at least I've found the swap projects I want to do and am sticking with them. I just hope I can get them done by the dates they are due!
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