Saturday, November 14, 2009


Ardella had her first agility class last night. The real class starts next weekend, but I need to go to Boring to another handler class, so this was a one-on-one makeup class.

The class was wonderful! I knew Ardella would enjoy herself, but did not expect her to catch on so rapidly. She willingly jumped over 2 jumps, went through the training tunnel and then smaller tunnel, did well with multiple adjustments of weaving poles, and started to get the hang of going through the tire. It was so enjoyable for me to see the commands click with her so that all I had to say was tunnel or over and she would do it without a food lure. The next weeks will be a bit of a challenge because we'll be in class with 5 other dogs, but I expect she'll do fine, especially once we start working.

I'm sitting Saul this week and am going to be attending Luxor's graduation at GDB this afternoon with 1 dog or another. I'll try to update kennel locations for various dogs and will have some pictures and explain why it's pretty special for me to be sitting Saul.

Annalynn is now home and Karren and I are getting together next Thursday as I have some cake saved for AL and a forbidden toy to welcome her into the world of career change. She and Ardella will get some romp time in the back yard.

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