Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Brendy and the Hall of Flame

From Blogger Pictures

Kristin is 11 months today. I can't believe she'll be a year old in just a month. Kristin is a small dog, people still think she's a young puppy. Things have been going okay with Kristin in the house and out and about, but she's started to have accidents on walks again, despite feeding her once a day and getting her on a relieving schedule. We'll continue to work on this.

From Blogger Pictures

Tonight Lyn and I met our friend Laura and her son Brendy at Salvador Molly's. Brendy had ordered the habanera fritters (a.k.a. Balls of Fire) and the fritters arrived about the time we got there. Anyone who can eat all 5 fritters in one sitting (you can't leave the table) gets a picture on the Wall of Flame. This picture shows that Brendy did indeed eat all the fritters and he's still smiling. He also has a glass of pineapple juice - the secret to getting through the burning sensation.

I was sick last week and still have a lingering sore throat, but it's only bad at night now and not 24 hours a day. I accomplished some knitting - a birthday present for my sister, turned the heel on a sock, and knit fairly far on a scarf that one of the cats found and "killed" (and is now in the garbage). I also finished 2 books I'd been reading and started a third. I missed 2 days of work, but was able to make up the missed time by working the weekend. I'm now on day 6 of my work week with 2 days to go! I can't wait for a real weekend!

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