Saturday, September 25, 2010

OFFF 2010

It was a sunny day:

Yellow flowers in back yard

autumn sedum and gate

Not a cloud was in the sky:

Not a cloud

In the sky

Not a negative word was heard from the people passing by:

Lyn and Madeline

Madeline getting attention again

On the green

Today was Oregon Flock and Fiber Festival, and Lyn and I woke up bright and early to arrive promptly at 9 a.m. We took Madeline because she had her 16-week shots yesterday and it's now time to start her on some fun outings. She saw alpaca

baby alpaca 2


Llamas for sale

And sheep (Jacob rams with black and white color and big horns; Corriedale are solid colors of black, brown and white):

Jacob rams


We spent a very short time in the llama and alpaca barns. The alpaca especially seemed to be on the alert with a dog in the building. They were humming, their ears were forward and they were pacing. We didn't want to cause more distress, but really, is this the face of a prey animal?

Madeline's face

I finally saw some sheep herding - I seem to miss this every year. This is a red and white Border collie herding some ducks. The dog is watching the ducks leaving the pen:

Red herding 1

Here he is trying to group the ducks together:

Red herding 2

Madeline and Lyn were away for the first hour or so in a coffee house, while I went fiber and yarn hunting. I do believe I found quite a bit of fiber for spinning, something I've been longing to do of late, and I got some Pygora, which I've never bought before - it's the white fluffy stuff in the bag. I got grade C, which means the fiber is closer to cashmere than mohair. I also got some aqua shetland sheep bats from Spohr Farm and some Yak-Merino top from another booth. I got a lot of sock yarn, but not all of what is below is for me, I just need to decide what is staying here and what is going to be gifted in swaps and holiday gifts.

Some stuff I bought

That was the 2010 Oregon Flock and Fiber Festival. I ran into the spinning group leader and some of the group members and have plans to start going back to spinning next week. I was told Madeline would be welcome - we'll see. She did really well today, and obviously attracted a lot of attention.

Monday brings job changes. We've been promised an answer. There's no good answer either way. I'm just glad I got to attend OFFF to take my mind off the stress of waiting and the sense of doom.

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