Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Welcome to my blog. Yes, I'm a one of tens of thousands with a knitting blog, but I hope to write about other interests from time to time. I've had my blog for a few weeks now, but I've never found an appropriate time to write (plus I'm feeling a bit shy about this). However, it feels like autumn outside and it's the time of year I'm most eager to start new things. The blog looks pretty bare, but I'll be adding pictures of projects I've finished and adding lists and sites I like to visit. I'm sure it won't be bare for long.

This is a good week to start my blog because there are several activities happening in the next few days that I'll be writing about. I've started attending a knitting group, Flock and Fiber Festival starts Saturday (I have the day off), and I begin attending a spinning group next week. The projects this group gets involved in sound very exciting.

In addition to the face-to-face knitting activities I do with people, I have also joined 2 online sock knitalongs and plan to join some online swaps. It's very useful to have a blog for these activities.

A few facts about me: I'm a new empty nester (last young adult child moved out in May) and live in the suburbs of a Pacific Northwest city. I live with my husband, 3 cats, and 2 dogs. I work at home though I'm employed by a local hospital, and spend whatever spare time I can get knitting alone or with friends, spinning, playing with pets, walking with my husband, visiting my 3 children (who do live in the area), soaking my feet in our new Ashiyu, reading, coaching the gardener (my husband), and dreaming up new home projects to make our home more energy-efficient and compatible with the environment. These interests aren't listed in preferential order, nor have I listed all my interests. That will come in time.

I thought writing this was going to be hard, but I see I've posted a bit for an introductory post. I'm excited that I finally wrote something though. Since it's the wee hours of the morning and I tend to babble on when I'm tired, I'll continue writing and adding side bars to the site tomorrow.

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