Tuesday, September 25, 2007


I got my Ravelry invitation around noon yesterday and obviously have been occupied. I have to confess I was a bit overwhelmed. I think I joined 31 groups in less than an hour and was so overstimulated that I needed to disappear from the computer to do something quiet - like knit! I keep coming back, but I can't stay for hours. I've had mixed experiences with Forums, but Ravelry is as much a tool as a forum, so it will grow on me. Don't mind me, I'm slow to warm to new things.

I have been knitting. I can't show most of my work because almost all of it is for someone else. I've been working on socks, baby gifts, and scarves and I'll show them after recipients receive them.

Spinning group is tomorrow. I have to start work early in the afternoon to be able to attend, so I'm signing off to read my get-sleepy-quick book, Harry Potter and the Half-whatever Prince. It works! I guarantee I'll be out before I've completed the first page.

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