Sunday, October 7, 2007

The Circle Game

That scarf below that was going to be for my ISE5 pal is not the scarf I'm going to make. I really did not like the yarn or the way the colors worked with the pattern. I have started 5 scarves now and have narrowed it down to 3 yarn choices and 2 pattern choices. One yarn would be a great color choice but it's all wool - merino wool - but wool. I have decided on a blue lace silk-merino blend. It's not as interesting a color, but is a color my pal likes and it will be more suitable for her climate this time of year. It will also drape more, which is what the yarn in the pattern I've chosen is supposed to do.

However, I also found a pattern that would suit my pal's interest and the softest lace wool I've ever felt. Seriously, this wool was softer than any cashmere in the store. This pattern would take more concentration and time than the other. It's a tough decision and I'm a little stressed by my indecisiveness and am having a bit of performance anxiety. I'm supposed to be enjoying this, and I will once I've made up my mind! My pal may get 2 scarves.

I was going to post pictures of my progress, but will wait until I have daylight because the light was too dark and the pictures didn't turn out well.

I joined 2 more swaps - a coffee exchange which sounds awesome, and a Loopy Ewe sock exchange. I'm not in over my head. The Loopy Ewe exchange is a Valentine Day exchange so I can get Christmas projects accomplished. The coffee exchange entails giving a partner (who will not be secret) coffee and other yarn gifts. It's also an international exchange and I really like that.

I gave up on The River Wife. This is sort of a spoiler, though I look at it as a warning. If you don't like to read about dogs or babies being killed, you will not like this book. It started out well. I thought the first river wife was an intriguing and unusual character. I was just turned off by a horrific incident and decided I didn't want to spend anymore time with these people.

My husband brought home The Sound of Butterflies by Rachael King from the library this evening. I hope I like it. The time of the book is early 1900s and the setting is England and Brazil. A naturalist takes off to Brazil hunting for butterflies and returns to his wife a very changed man. She tries to discover what happened to him there. I'm interested enough to start reading it soon. Apparently this is an international best seller - the author is from New Zealand.

In family news, Son #2 says he's moving home at the end of the month. I'm relieved, though it will be an adjustment for all of us. I guess this makes us Boomerang parents.

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