Another sign of Fall is harvesting the garden. Below is last weekend's final bounty that my husband picked. I was working as he did this, and viewing the pile of vegetables from my office window I thought they would make a nice picture.
I've been knitting. I am in an international scarf exchange and have had a hard time settling on a pattern. The person I'm knitting for likes feminine styles and lives in a warm climate this time of year. I've been through 3 patterns now and think I've settled on the one below. The yarn is an alpaca-silk blend from Knit Picks. The pattern is called The Friendship Scarf, which I thought was an appropriate theme for this exchange. I couldn't quite capture the nature of the pattern, but this is what it looks like so far:

I may change my mind again, but right now this is it. It's lace yarn and is slow going - I'm probably going to need every day until the deadline to finish, which may mean I change my mind again!
I've been reading Harry Potter and finally finished the last book at 5 a.m. I've had a love-hate relationship with these books and have not been as enthusiastic about the books as my children and husband. I did like the last book and think it was because most of the book was an adventure rather than a British boarding school story. I was quite satisfied with the ending. I'm glad the books are behind me and I can return to more satisfying reading. Next up is The River Wife by Jonis Agee - it's due back at the library on Sunday and I can't renew it.
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