Friday, November 16, 2007

What to do?

Since my daughter does read my blog, I've debated writing a generic note saying, Dear family, Do not read my blog until after Christmas! However, I think I'll just not post pictures of gifts until after the holidays. I just added a Loopy Ewe gift list and wouldn't want to deprive anyone in my family of seeing it! : )

I found out that one of my favorite instructors at Clark College is offering a course called the Geopolitics of South and Central Asia. For a long time the only geopolitical course this instructor was allowed to teach was about the Middle East. He had written proposals for courses in other geographical locations, but for some ridiculous reason the college administration wouldn't run the classes. I had sworn I'd take any of the courses he offered and this is the first quarter one of them will be taught. I might be able to convince my supervisor to let me take the class, but it would also mean I couldn't go to my knitting group. So, I have a dilemma. I should be taking classes to help me learn coding or helping me to move into Admitting or medical assisting, but I love geography and anthropology. There are days I'd love to be 20 again! I would certainly not be a medical transcriptionist if I could do it over.

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