Sunday, January 6, 2008

Holiday catchup

A belated happy new year to everyone. I'm personally glad the holidays are now behind us. I did not particularly like working both Christmas and New Year's day. I will never do that again. I did enjoy the brief time I spent with the entire family gathered on Christmas Eve. I think the best news I received during the holidays was from my daughter who has signed up for prerequisite classes in nursing. Not only is she moving on with her education, she got her insane work scheduled changed to accommodate classes.

This is my Christmas sock yarn stash. My daughter gave me 2 skeins of Lorna's Laces that she bought from The Loopy Ewe, and my husband gave me a Knit Picks sock yarn sampler in the cool colors. I think that's a year's worth of sock yarn right there, but I also received 3 skeins of Wollmeise a few days after Christmas. I've taken many pictures, but I can't get the yarn colors to stand out because it's been so rainy and dark that I don't have enough light to get a good picture. Therefore, the next sunny day we have, I'll take some pictures outside.

I was able to finish the hat for Christmas, but not the socks. They'll be done this evening and I'll take pictures of both hat and socks and post pictures tomorrow.

I didn't really make many New Year resolutions this year. Knitting-wise, I'm hoping to branch out from socks, but I'm not tired of socks by any means. I'm going to concentrate on stash busting too, so my purchases will be fewer. I did join a sock club (Woolgirl!) and am very excited about that. I'm hoping to continue participating in swaps. I've had a lot of luck with the 3 I've participated/am participating in and would love to do some more. Book-wise, I'm thinking of participating in some book challenges. I read 30 books last year, which is the low end of normal for me, and it was a pretty disappointing year. I'm hoping the book challenge will help me regain some enthusiasm for reading.

I'm also looking at either a certificate program or degree program in coding or cancer registry. I can do most of this on line and either is a logical path after medical transcription.

I'm off to finish socks so I'll have a finished product to post tomorrow!

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