Sunday, February 10, 2008

Winter Doldrums contest #4

Yes, I'm behind on answering these questions, but this particular question certainly pertains to my reasons for joining this swap in the first place. So...

" Defeat the Winter Doldrums" for some of us we get the doldrums and others don't. For the ones who get doldrums what helps you get rid of them? For the ones who don't get the doldrums, what helps you keep them away?"

I live in the Pacific Northwest where winters are gray and wet. Once upon a time this meant I loved winters and loved the fact that the rain kept things clean and green. As I've aged (It's winter and I'm feeling ancient), I have a harder time with the lack of color and light, which pretty much exists from November to April. I have a special lamp that I use daily to help with the winter blahs, and I try to use natural light light bulbs. I tend to do some of my favorite things more in the winter, like reading and knitting, and hot drinks like coffee, tea, and cocoa are comforting. I believe the caffeine helps me feel more alert and counteracts that feeling of wanting to sleep most of the day. By mid February I'm on the rebound as days are definitely getting longer and color (bulbs) usually starts appearing by the end of the month. The change to Daylight Savings time is a month away, and I'm ready for it this year!

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