Ardella was mega stressed today for some reason. We suspect the heat, but she whined and barked during graduation and Lyn took her out where she had more signs of intestinal and urinary distress - diarrhea and having to relieve every few minutes (which I think was why she was barking and whining). It was hot and in the 90s, plus it was really humid, and I don't think Ardella handles humid, hot weather. We'll be working on corrections in our next meeting. Sigh...
Edit: We weighed Ardella when we all went to take Annalynn to board near the kitchen for the graduation ceremony. She weighs a whopping 45 pounds! More than Annalynn now.
Here's a picture Lyn took of Ardella on GDB's Oregon Trail:
It was a memorable experience seeing Chelle graduate and to see Anna present Lynn. I wish I had pictures, but Lyn took the camera when he took Ardella out and I couldn't get the video camera photograph function to work. Karren took a lot of pictures and I'm hoping to get some of those from her and hopefully we'll get the 3 sister picture from Anna.
I got to visit a bit with Chelle after the ceremony and met Faye and Maylee's puppy raisers, including the father of one of the puppy raisers. They were very friendly and I really enjoyed meeting them. I am still blown away by the coincidence that Chelle received a puppy raised by a close friend of Maylee's puppy raiser. They were able to both attend the graduation. The puppy raising/handler connections are favorite stories of mine these days.
As the month of May draws to a close I will mostly be going to puppy classes and turning the majority of my attention to my daughter's upcoming wedding. Keri and I went to check out the community center with the caterer yesterday. Ardella accompanied us and we went out for coffee. Upon leaving the coffee shop, we were stopped by a gentleman who wanted to talk to us about Ardella. We were a little late to meet the caterer. Keri ran ahead while I relieved Ardella and put her coat on, and I arrived a few minutes later only to see that Meals on Wheels was serving lunch. Well, needless to say I got stopped by a few people wanting to talk about Ardella... I think Ardella is cute, but my goodness, doesn't the attention level off as the puppies get older? I've only noticed it increasing. I got in on some of the catering conversation, but mostly I was talking dogs. Oh yeah - I'm supposed to be talking about the wedding..
We took Ardella home and went to talk to a florist about wedding bouquets, boutonnieres, corsages, and flower centerpieces. We booked with the florist and Keri brought home a sample of many of the flowers that will be in her wedding. It was hot and humid yesterday too, and as the florist was on the opposite side of town and it took us awhile to get home, the flowers got a little wilted. Still, Keri took a picture and the colors still look beautiful together.
Wedding shower is next week and invitations go out after that. Family is letting me know of arrival dates and I'm getting excited. It's just 2 months away!