Friday, May 15, 2009

Knit and Crochet Show; Ardella goes to work

Not many people know that I have panic attacks when I drive so usually don't. However, the Knit and Crochet Show is in town and in order to get the Japanese stitch books I have been wanting forever, I needed to go to the show today. The weather was good, I imagined myself driving and didn't panic at the thought, so I took Ardella to Lyn at work, and DROVE MYSELF across the 205 bridge to the Parkrose MAX station, took MAX to Lloyd Center where the show was, and drove myself home again. No panic. It was a breeze. Now to do it again!

I found my Japanese stitch books, a Namaste buddy case, some Peridot sea silk yarn (for which I got to use my birth month discount at Knit, Purl booth), and some needles made in Vietnam from Forest Palmwood. There were some other purchases, but they're secret. Click on this if you want to enlarge it - it's taking too long to download the medium size.

Knit and crochet show purchases

Ardella has been going to work and to Friends Meeting with Lyn for the last 2 weeks. He's been taking her big bed and she has a spot in the 4-person cubicle set up for her when she goes with him. There are a number of dog lovers and another service dog or 2 that come to work so Ardella gets a lot of attention and seems to enjoy herself when she goes. Here she is entertaining herself.

Ardella at work with Lyn

I've welcomed the change in routine. It's nice to have 2 work days a week where I'm not "on" all the time in terms of caring for Ardella. Besides, I'm always so happy to see her when she comes home.

I may have another opportunity to drive myself out to Boring this weekend. Chelle and I are getting together to knit. I'm hoping to take Ardella, but she's been very dog distracted this week, so we'll see. Can't wait to meet Faye, and actually meet Chelle - we're invisible friends so far.

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