Saturday, February 6, 2010

Chilled and Chillin'

I have a cold - a bummer because it prevented me from doing a lot of things I'd planned to do today (like attend a baby shower I'd been looking forward to attending). On the other hand, Ardella is with Karren for some scheduled overnights, Lyn is in Corvallis for the day and Tim is who knows where and I have had an entire day to lounge around, drink tea, eat toast, read and knit.

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks came this week and I think that this book never really needed any promoting from me. It's hot! It's in the top 10 selling books at Amazon and everyone who reviews books is reviewing it. It's also very good and I haven't read a book that kept my attention like this in a long time.

I took Aidan to Animal Enrichment Center yesterday and was dismayed to find a sign on the door that AEC was closing its doors. This has colored my whole weekend. I don't know of any other kind of facility that is like AEC and I don't know where we will go for training now. They've been a wonderful support for 2 years and I will miss them so much! Plus, who knows where I'm going to find antlers for the dogs so easily!

Tomorrow is a big day for us. The puppy truck will be returning from Seattle tomorrow with a 9-month-old black Lab female for us to finish raising. We'll have her for a 2-week trial period, but I anticipate that we'll love her and want to finish raising her. I've heard she's a great dog. I want to be sensitive to the raisers she is leaving. I know it's hard for them - I've been there! The puppies don't belong to us raisers, we all know that, and sometimes putting a puppy in another home is required to make the puppy successful. We want our puppies to be successful, but it's still a disappointment when we can't raise them from beginning to return to training. I've bought a notebook and hope to take lots of pictures, but will wait at least a week to see what direction we're leaning towards to post anything on the blog and to reveal her name. For now, I'll refer to her as K.

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