Friday, February 19, 2010


I just got back from socializing cats at the shelter. I love my volunteer jobs! It is hard to be with cats week after week and not bring them home, but I've been surprised at what a joy it is to actually help facilitate adoptions. It really is a thrill when somebody takes a cat home. I'm trying to work in a dog socialization/adoption shift now, too.

Miss Kristin has made it through the last 3 days without an accident and I have actually successfully taken her on 1 or 2 quick errands. I don't feel confident taking her on long outings yet, and my leader feels she should not go to the outing tomorrow. What a relief! I may go meet everyone in the parking lot, but then we'll turn around and go home after we've said hello. I worry that Kristin is bored, but I really want to correct this relieving problem! At any rate, it looks like it's going to be a quiet weekend.

The dogs are telling me it's past time to eat. How do they know that?

Oh yeah - I joined this today. It seems like a worthwhile cause and something I certainly can do!

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