Sunday, February 7, 2010

Miss K

I think it's safe to tell Miss K's name. Her former raiser got a new puppy today and apparently was quite excited about that. Miss K's name is Kristin.

I picked her up at a drop-off point just a little while ago, and Kristin is a very petite, happy little girl who greeted us calmly. The puppy truck deliverers had taken her into the restaurant with them when they stopped for lunch and said she was great under the table. She's got a beautiful face and I'll take a picture when the camera battery is recharged.

I sat in the back seat with Kristin on the way home and she's very cuddly.

So far Kristin has met Ardella and Aidan (which went well) and I think Kristin and Ardella will get along. Aidan, too, but we need to keep him separated from Kristin initially because he tends to want to start chase games.

Kristin is now lying down beside Lyn while he watches the Super Bowl. I'm off to take a nap.

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