Friday, July 23, 2010

Lay offs beginning

So, layoffs have started at work. The outpatient department was given notice today. Since we started the new radiology voice recognition program, I suspect I'll be given notice in a few weeks. Understandably, mood is pretty low in the HIS department right now. I guess I'd really better start taking those tiny houses seriously.

Merlin has turned around. He's playing, climbing and eating. I think he's going to be okay.

Greater Portland has been given a new CFR by GDB. I imagine Washington and the state of Texas will have their CFR announced soon, too, if they haven't already.

I'm going to try and have a good rest of the weekend. If anyone wants to cheer me up, go the SW Washington Humane Society and adopt a cat for 10 dollars, a kitten for 25 - all weekend. There are some great cats there right now!

I will attempt to have a better rest of the weekend; if I knew the letter of puppy to come, that would make me feel better!

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