Friday, July 2, 2010


Since I've been naming kittens this spring and summer, I bought a name book for inspiration. It was on sale at Barnes and Noble for about 5 dollars, so I couldn't pass it up. My daughter came over shortly after I bought the book, which I had on the coffee table, and I had to explain that this was NOT a hint, it was for animal names.

It's divided into sections of the usual male, female names, but also has Top 100 names, names for twins, place names, thing names and other facts about names.

I'm interested in female names right now and so have been perusing those. I find I like Greek and Arab names and think it's interesting that you can often find placement names (i.e., names that denote first, second) in all kinds of languages. This book has names from all over the globe. A, J, M and S seem to have the most abundant names, Q and X the least.

So, if anyone is looking for name inspiration, I recommend this book.

My litter is going back on Tuesday, well at least the males. Frida is losing weight and I'll need to keep her a few more weeks (twist my arm!). I'm not certain I'll get to keep another litter. It depends on a few things - news will be forthcoming.

Edit: Well that was fast! Just got word that I've been assigned a yellow female Lab puppy for Fun Day. Can't wait for August!

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