Wednesday, June 10, 2009


I had a nice weekend - my daughter's bridal shower hosted by 5 of her aunts occurred and it was a lot of fun. Ryan's mother was able to attend as well as one of her sisters and one of Ryan's father's sisters.

I've been concerned about Ardella's health for a little while now. Her physical reaction to heat 2 weekends in a row alarmed me, and I got permission to take her to the vet from my puppy leader. Then on Monday she literally wet the bed while she was sleeping. I took her to the vet yesterday and she either has a kidney infection (which is treatable) or Addison disease, which would essentially retire her. We're going to treat what we hope is the infection first and won't look at Addison's until after we try a round of antibiotics. I'm obsessing about Addison's - I had a dog die from this disease. Needless to say, I'm a little worried.

Four new puppies are coming to our club today. I'm eagerly awaiting names.

We're supposed to be signing up for the fire work stand with Lion's Club for my club's fundraising event. Fire works - ME!! Anyone who knows me knows how I HATE the 4th of July and fireworks. Oh well - I love GDB more than I hate fireworks, I guess. I'm hoping that having me work 1 shift and Lyn working another will fulfill the work requirement.

Miniature Australian Rescue and Support MARS contacted me today to help with a rescue organization event in Kent in July. I'm looking forward to that and hope that Ardella is well by then.

PLEASE let it be a kidney infection!

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