Today is Take Your Dog to Work Day, and Ardella accompanied Lyn to work. She's having a good day, so I have taken advantage of my free time. This follows a week of 24/7 Ardella and me and I was ready for a break, let me tell you! Ardella alternates between being ornery and being well behaved these days and I have times when I alternate wondering if she'll ever make to training and knowing she'll be an awesome guide dog. Tomorrow we're taking a puppy club trip on MAX and are going to Saturday Market. Stay tuned for pictures, maybe.
So, Friday is the first day of my weekend, and being Ardella free I took advantage of time to myself and found two dresses for wedding events. I'm not sure which one I'll be wearing to the wedding and which I'll be wearing to the Friday night dinner, but at least I'm going to be dressed one way or the other.
The first is a flowing shirt with dressy gauchos (they aren't capri or culottes - I don't know what else to call them).
The second is a green shirt dress with a jacket. I like this one because it goes with some yarn I bought to knit a jacket and I still have that option. I'm leaning toward wearing this one to the wedding. I may replace this picture, I just didn't have a good place to get a decent picture of the dress today.
Work remains a thorn in my flesh. I've essentially become a family practice office note transcriptionist and I'm not adjusting to the change very well. This is after years of doing inpatient operations, discharges, consultations and history and physical reports. The Portland team got those reports. I feel like I've been demoted. We get weird messages from management these days and having a sense of humor helps deflect the insecurity everyone is reading between the lines. The messages are weird, really weird!
I guess it doesn't help that I watched Michael Moore's Sicko this week. Great documentary, and it sure made me want to live in Canada or England or France.
We also watched The Room - the world's worst movie - so bad that it's hilarious. Recommended for fun group viewing, but not for kids.
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