Wednesday, July 29, 2009

109! No way!

That's what the car thermometer said it was outside on the way home from a work meeting today. At any rate, the temperature is over 107 and I know I'll be glad when the heat wave is over! My nephew in Northern Cyprus said it was 108 there right now, so we're competing with the Middle East countries in terms of high temps. Ugh! I really hope it cools off for Fun Day, Sock Summit and Keri's wedding. Ardella is eating ice cubes, and I'm drinking a cold Peach Tea Snapple. I'm going to post and then turn the computer off because it generates heat.

Last weekend was one of those go! go! go! weekends and I have no pictures to show for it. Bonnie's memorial was on Saturday, so Ardella went to a sitter's on Friday. It's a good thing she was able to have a sitter. The memorial was over 3 hours and we had to end it early because of a wedding scheduled at the church where the memorial was held. The memorial was sad, but there was a lot of music and memories and I was glad I attended. One of the highlights of the memorial was when some of Bonnie's nephews and nieces got up and read portions of the FBI report filled out on her around 1978 or so. Interesting tidbits were that Bonnie applied for and was rejected from joining the Black Panthers. She wrote them a letter expressing her disappointment. She was labeled a "terrorist" for doing whatever it took to open shelters for abused women and a "true revolutionary." She was proud of this report. It was really funny.

The music was great - some pieces played were Malvina Reynolds' This World and Ewan McCColl's Joy of Living. There was also a rap called The Life She Lived and I would give my eye teeth to find the lyrics - not likely to be found on the internet because it was written by a family member. Visiting at the reception afterward was nice as I ran into people I knew from Friends Meeting that I haven't seen in years. I miss going to Friends Meeting.

We were going to pick up Ardella on Sunday afternoon, but I got a message from a MARS representative asking if we could locate someone to pick up 2 mini Aussies from the Oregon Humane Society to transport to a point halfway between Seattle and Portland. I volunteered us, so Lyn was able to pick up the dogs after Meeting, to have Ardella's sitter agree to keep Ardella the entire day, and to pick me up to drive with him to Chehalis, which was the halfway point. Those poor dogs that we picked up! I'm sure they were puppy mill dogs and they were terrified of anything that walks. They also smelled awful. We met the rep, had a bite to eat, and I was introduced to Molly, a small mini Aussie,that I hope we are going to adopt in the next few months. She's a blue merle and has 1 blue eye and 1 brown eye. She's as cute as she can be and I think she and Aidan would get along well. We'll see.

We picked up Ardella Sunday evening after getting back to town and got a good report from the sitter. She enjoyed Ardella and Ardella had a few challenges when going to a mini farm where she met chickens, llamas, and other farm animals that were quite exciting to her. She also apparently had some accidents while walking, but not in the house.

The rest of the week has been spent trying to avoid heat. I missed a call from the vet about Ardella's latest urine culture. He wanted to talk to me about it before he heard back from Guide Dogs for the Blind so I wouldn't be in the dark. When I called back he told me he would talk to me after he talked to them. I'm a little unsettled, but I hope it's nothing much. If there's something wrong, I hope Ardella will be going to campus to be checked out.

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