Friday, July 31, 2009

Outing to Harry Potter Movie

We didn't have puppy club last night because it has been too hot, so we took Ardella and went to see the Half-Blood Prince. It was interesting since Ardella has not been to the movies since she was just a few months old. She was much too big to sit on our laps and she didn't want to sleep. We had a few toys for her to chew on and that helped some. At one point Ardella noticed a child sitting in the row in front of us - I discovered she knew this when her tail started wagging and her nose was in-between the seats and the child giggled and said "Mommy, there's a dog in here!." I'm afraid Ardella was licking her. I'm glad the child didn't scream! Well, to put it mildly, Ardella was restless. I enjoyed the movie but at one point I was sure that whine was the "I've got to go" whine. Fortunately, we made it out of the theater and made it to a relieving spot before she actually went. I was nervous. I'm not sure I want to try this again. I also think Ardella was reacting to the noise level in the theater. Oh - I liked the movie, but when discussing it on the way home, we concluded that a lot was left out - like Snape's story! I kind of thought that was important information!

I'm still waiting for the vet's call about Ardella's latest urine sample. He and the GDB vet have been playing phone tag. He's hoping to talk to her at lunch and will get back to me today. I'm waiting around the house for the call. I have a horrible headache, so that's not a huge sacrifice.

I got another e-mail about a dog transport for MARS. This is getting sad! There is sure no end to the need of animal rescue.

Fun Day is next Saturday!! I can't wait to meet more of Ardella's littermates!

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