Thursday, April 22, 2010

Weekend anticipation

I think I'll be attending graduation this weekend as one of the dogs I've enjoyed following through blogdom is graduating on Saturday. I don't know if I'll be bringing Kristin as she is being evaluated or spotted by one of our experienced raisers. I'm not sure how long she will be gone.

I miss her! Both Lyn and I miss her! Yesterday she was following me around and really wanting my attention. When I stopped to see what she wanted she dropped an unmentionable object into my hand. She wanted to eat it so bad, but she knew she needed to get it to me. It was funny and touching at the same time. I praised her. She has so many endearing and cute qualities!

Ardella and Aidan are happy that she's gone. It means the forbidden toys can come down. We have antlers, food balls and felt toys strewn all over the house. Ardella is sleeping in my office. She's full of frozen blueberries. Bliss!

Did anyone see the show Through Dog's Eyes last night? I enjoyed it. I keep wondering why the organization didn't use puppy raisers - it seems like that would make transition to a new home smoother, but I was happy with the training philosophy and loved seeing the matches, etc. I'm looking forward to the book that will be published this fall.

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