Saturday, May 15, 2010

Another Half Marathon (13.1 miles)

Vanessa and I ran the half marathon part of the Famous Idaho Potato Marathon today.

Here we are pre-race.

Yeah, I look goofy. Try not looking at me.

It was a chilly morning; 50 degrees. Which doesn't sound chilly, but in the shade and with the wind, it was very chilly feeling. Which is why we were taking shelter in a shed with a bunch of other people before the race started.

The beginning of the race and all the people ahead of us;

And here we are post race with a friend of Vanessa's.

I was sooooo glad to have Vanessa run with me. She was a huge help as my body tried to give up along the way.

Do I look tired? Cause I am! And I think I'll spend the rest of the day relaxing in our garden and being entertained by our chickens.

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