Saturday, May 15, 2010

New puppy club blog

The puppy club I attend has a new blog that is open to the public. It's in the beginning stages but will be our primary source of information and will have pictures of puppies there. I'm hoping that we'll see a picture of the new puppy coming this evening to some first-time raisers.

Kristin is going to another experienced raiser for about 9 days starting Monday. The evaluations were canceled which left me feeling a little desperate since Kristin is supposed to go back in August. I'm hoping this experience will be helpful and definitive in the direction we'll be taking with Kristin. As attached as I am to her, I'm more concerned about her success and part of her success may mean that she needs to go to another home to finish raising. Kristin is reliable in buildings but outside she is prone to having relieving accidents and I'm not sure if they are stress related or habit. I'm eager to hear the puppy sitter's opinion.

No pictures of kitties this week. They're still very cute and my legs look like I've walked through blackberry bushes. Hopefully, I'll get some pictures soon.

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