Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Flora and Fauna Press 2009 Calendars

Finally...after many months of design and printing, our 2009 letterpress calendars are here. 

These quarterly calendars consist of 4 designs, each inspired by a season and printed in three colors (a true test of our registration skills). The best part is, we've provided dotted trim lines, so you can have 4 little prints to frame when the year is over. 

(click thumbnail for larger image)

Friday, October 24, 2008

Chocolate, Coffee, Yarn Swap

Ravelry coffee yarn chocolate swap

I think I'm going to have to write more later. I'm excited by this package and want to explore it some more. Click on the picture to get to the Flikr account to see details.

I loved my package, Elena! Thank you!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Dog Dance Video, Unraveled, and October Woolgirl Sock Club

I came across this video at Ravelry in the Fuzz Butts (Australian Shepherd) thread.I think Charlie and I are a long way from accomplishing this and after attending 2 training sessions, I have to say that our "Look" command is not as accomplished as this dancing pair!

Charlie and Aidan seem to have bonded over chasing squirrels. Things are better, Aidan's tail is tall again and he initiates play with Charlie and Charlie plays back. Charlie is still a little toy hog, but things are relatively peaceful and I can pet Aidan again without him being attacked. Theo disappeared for 4 days but came back last night. Charlie doesn't lunge at the cats when we bring them downstairs. I'm still cautious, but more optimistic that we're going to be able to keep Charlie.

I learned this week that Unraveled, the yarn shop that got me back into knitting again, is closing. I visited Lisa at Unraveled today and know that she's closing because it's a good time for her to do this and that it isn't because she has to. Downtown will feel empty without Unraveled. I was someone who loved having 2 stores in close proximity - it gave me a reason to have out-of-town visitors a place to go (if they were knitters). I came home with a few things - probably one of the last times I get to bring something home from Unraveled.

Berocco pamplets/FT wrap

I got these 4 booklets - 2 of Berroco, 1 Norah Gaughan, and 1 Aspen Leaf Wrap.

Paca Peds in Grapevine

Paca Peds sock yarn in Grapevine colorway.

Araucania Ranco color 318

Araucania Ranco sock yarn, color 318.

I also got the Opal Harry Potter sock yarn in Hedwig, but I neglected to take a picture.

I don't know if I can go back to the 40% off sale in November. I hate going-out-of business sales - it's too sad!

Yesterday was a great sock club day because I got the October sock club shipment from Woolgirl. I love Jen's themes. This was a cherry blossom theme - not fall like at all, but I loved it. I'll probably get around to this sock in February when I'm longing for cherry blossoms or any flower blossom to come out. If interested, click on the picture and read the caption about the package contents there. I can't get over that sugar stick! The pattern is toe-up and is not the same pattern on both sides. I'm still not fond of toe-up, but this pattern uses the Magic Toe, so I'll give it a try.

October 2008 Woolgirl sock club

Fall Season Swap

Seasonal Swap - Fall

This is the Seasonal Fall Yarn Swap I received from Fern in California. There should be a Tiger cup in this picture to go with the Green tea, but it didn't make it in because I had already used it when I took this picture. Love the hat-scarf pattern and Cascade 220 yarn. I can't wait to do this. The Gummy candies are long gone. The candle and honey hand cream smell great, and Lyn wants the Island calendar. I'll have to get him one for Christmas - it's perfect for the dark and rainy days ahead.

I have now completed my fall swaps. There are more to come, I just love swaps!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Treat Yourself...

It's October... the time of year we are all tempted by little Halloween size candies and chocolates sitting around in dishes everywhere. My suggestion is to forgo all the store-bought, partially hydrogenated candies and go for a quality treat. Purchase one at your local bakery, or make one yourself. 

MUMMY & GHOST CUPCAKES- cookie jar bakery

HALLOWEEN CAKE- bleeding heart bakery

VAMPIRE CUPCAKE & FRANKENSTEIN CAKE- both from horrorgourmet

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Fall Lace swap

The first swap is from the Fall lace swap at Ravelry and my spoiler was Anke from Germany. I loved what she sent me. The candy is gone now - long gone. I love Haribo gummy bears and chocolate from Germany is the best! She sent me all these bite-sized pieces of chocolate so I told myself more than 1 wouldn't matter. Ha! Anyway, the chocolate was great. I also loved the Tundra sock yarn and the pattern that I'll be using the yarn for. I loved the stitchmarkers that Anke made herself and I'm using them right now in a project I'm working on. I also love the little plate. Thank you, Anke. I have been enjoying your package for about 2 or 3 weeks now!

The whole lace swap package


Autumn Scarf or Sock swap

I just received a swap package from Cheryl in Ohio who was my spoiler in the Autumn Sock or Scarf Pattern Swap on Ravelry. I chose a scarf and Cheryl sent me the Knitspot Opens and Folds Cable Scarf with Burnt Umber Shetland Spindrift to knit it with. She also included stitch markers, homemade soap (which smells great - rosemary and herb), wool bat to spin, Stauf's roast coffee, which also smells great, and a felted pumpkin that I just love. This was a great package to celebrate the fall season and I look forward to buying soap from Cheryl's new online store located at I just looked and I think I want one of everything! Thank you again, Cheryl!

Getting this package today reminded me that I have other swap packages I need to record. I posted pictures at Flickr and at Ravelry, but want to put pictures in the blog. I need to get the wool bat out of the way first, Charlie wants it!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Crochet/Knit show; OFFF

Things haven't been exactly smooth with Charlie. I have a strong desire for this adoption to work, but I'm having some doubts about Charlie's exuberant personality on the other pets in the house. He is just adorable,very friendly and endearing with people, but not so much with other pets. Aidan is staying in corners and won't even make eye contact with me now indoors. The cats continue to hide upstairs and we have to keep everyone separated. Then we have nice walks, like this afternoon, the dogs play and I wonder what I was worried about, until Aidan starts acting like he's been whipped. This is killing me! I'm in contact with Mini-Aussie rescue, but what happens with Charlie remains to be seen for another week.

Anyway, I'm still knitting and I'm going to post pictures of purchases at the Crochet/Knit show and Oregon Flock and Fiber. I can't say I totally enjoyed myself this year - I was still not doing well after Shane's death and just wasn't feeling very sociable. Lyn took me to both festivals but hung out doing work in coffee shops while I shopped. It was kind of overwhelming at both events - just unending booths and crowds. However, I purchased quite a few things for me and for swap partners.

I got sock yarn

Sock wool obtained at OFFF

Lace (The Misty Alpaca came from StitchCraft)

Lace yarn obtained at OFFF and K&C conference

and fiber

Fiber from OFFF, etc.

I put descriptions of everything at Flickr if curious about particulars I want to save space here.

We saw llama and alpaca and rabbits at OFFF, but I didn't see anyone I knew and don't know if I'll make this a yearly event. I certainly have more fiber and yarn than a person can use, which is why much of it is going to swaps. Anyway, that's about all I have to say about the festivals. Hopefully next time I go to any fiber event I'll be in a better frame of mind.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Introducing Charlie

This is Charlie, our new mini-Australian shepherd. He's a year old and we got him from a rescue group in Molalla, Oregon. He was said to love other animals, be crate trained, house trained, intelligent, and friendly. He's all of those things, except I think he wants to kill all our other animals! He's still very puppyish and is quite dominant in his behavior with Aidan our Cairn terrier. They get along very well as long as they are walking and as long as they are outside. Inside I think they're going to kill one another. Cats are another story. They're all hiding in fear upstairs right now.

I really thought we were going to have to take Charlie back last night, but we started Aidan's training today and the teacher gave us some excellent advice in working out the dominance behaviors. We are to ignore Charlie for the next few days and to a certain extent we're to ignore Aidan. We are to walk them together as much as possible, because dogs bond when they walk together, or let them play outside as much as we can allow them to. Inside if they fight we're to make a very loud EH sound and clap and then leave the room. We essentially have to let them work it out. If these measures don't work in a day or two, the teacher is willing to come to the house to help us out. I feel better about everything today. She even gave us instructions on introducing the cats to Charlie.

So, hopefully I can tell you all how I really feel about Charlie in a few days. I love him to death! He is just beautiful and he moves like a rubber band. Very fast and limber. He jumped from the floor, across my legs, and to the couch today and I think he's going to be trained in agility. He definitely needs a job! Classes for Charlie may start as soon as Tuesday.

Today is my last day of a week-long vacation. We spent it looking for a dog, going to Guide Dog classes, and doing household things. Lyn finished the cork flooring (not bamboo - my mistake) and it looks beautiful. We looked at a house we liked that is closer to town, but I don't know if we can swing 2 mortgages. Oh, Lyn was stung by 2 yellow jackets on Monday evening while working in the yard. We spent 4 hours in the ER and fortunately he didn't have a serious reaction this time. We think it was because he had been taking antihistamines for about a week prior to the stings. Lyn killed the nest (that was against medical advice - don't do this!) and I think we're yellow jacket free now.

Here's another Charlie picture.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Learning about raising guide dog puppies

I went to my first guide dog raisers meeting last night and Lyn joined me around 7:30 (He was on his way home from Seattle and in Chehalis when I called him). I found the group very friendly, eager to answer questions and share experiences. I was put to work right away with a raiser-dog pair, Michael and Jogger/Jager (I'm not sure of the spelling) and got to clean an ear and work on calling the dog. I learned how to place a dog in "sit" appropriately. There were many dogs of various ages and stages and I certainly got a good idea of how much work it is going to be to raise a puppy. I was struck by how much community involvement there is in the group. They go everywhere with these dogs and that is a bonus for me considering how much time I spend at home.

We were sent home with a manual and instructions to come to a few more meetings, puppy sit 2 dogs of different stages, and attend a graduation. I attended a graduation 3 years ago and it was one of the highlights of my life. I can't wait to go again!

Lyn enjoyed the experience and we're both enthusiastic. We'll see how it goes. I'm uncertain how Aidan will respond and I'm sure the puppy sitting will answer a lot of our questions about that, as well as whether we really want to undertake this responsibility.

Next post will involve fiber. I've yet to take pictures of what I acquired at either the Knit/Crochet show or Oregon Flock and Fiber. It's raining today, but I'll see what I can do.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Investigating puppy raising

I picked up Shane's ashes yesterday - a disheartening experience because no one at the front desk was present when we initially bought Shane in on the 23rd. Also, no one ever called me to let me know the ashes were there. I had gone in to get some cat food, which they had called me about. So, I checked out with Shane's ashes and cat food on the same bill. The ashes were handed to me in a blue bag and were in a container with paw prints that looked like a cookie container. It was so impersonal and so I felt new grief all over again.

So, I have applied to Australian shepherd rescue. I'm not sure we'll be deemed smart enough for an Aussie, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Also, in just a few short minutes I'm leaving to go to my first puppy club meeting for Guide Dogs for the Blind. We're applying, but I'm not sure what we're applying for yet. Maybe just puppy sitter, but hopefully we'll want to raise a puppy. There are a couple of options in raising dogs. They're only raising labs now, so I get to choose male/female, black/gold. Really, I have no preference at this point. I'm very excited. I've wanted to do this for such a long time!