Thursday, October 16, 2008

Fall Lace swap

The first swap is from the Fall lace swap at Ravelry and my spoiler was Anke from Germany. I loved what she sent me. The candy is gone now - long gone. I love Haribo gummy bears and chocolate from Germany is the best! She sent me all these bite-sized pieces of chocolate so I told myself more than 1 wouldn't matter. Ha! Anyway, the chocolate was great. I also loved the Tundra sock yarn and the pattern that I'll be using the yarn for. I loved the stitchmarkers that Anke made herself and I'm using them right now in a project I'm working on. I also love the little plate. Thank you, Anke. I have been enjoying your package for about 2 or 3 weeks now!

The whole lace swap package

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