Friday, October 3, 2008

Learning about raising guide dog puppies

I went to my first guide dog raisers meeting last night and Lyn joined me around 7:30 (He was on his way home from Seattle and in Chehalis when I called him). I found the group very friendly, eager to answer questions and share experiences. I was put to work right away with a raiser-dog pair, Michael and Jogger/Jager (I'm not sure of the spelling) and got to clean an ear and work on calling the dog. I learned how to place a dog in "sit" appropriately. There were many dogs of various ages and stages and I certainly got a good idea of how much work it is going to be to raise a puppy. I was struck by how much community involvement there is in the group. They go everywhere with these dogs and that is a bonus for me considering how much time I spend at home.

We were sent home with a manual and instructions to come to a few more meetings, puppy sit 2 dogs of different stages, and attend a graduation. I attended a graduation 3 years ago and it was one of the highlights of my life. I can't wait to go again!

Lyn enjoyed the experience and we're both enthusiastic. We'll see how it goes. I'm uncertain how Aidan will respond and I'm sure the puppy sitting will answer a lot of our questions about that, as well as whether we really want to undertake this responsibility.

Next post will involve fiber. I've yet to take pictures of what I acquired at either the Knit/Crochet show or Oregon Flock and Fiber. It's raining today, but I'll see what I can do.

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