Friday, April 24, 2009

Ardella's Hard Week

Ardella's been fighting some kind of digestive system bug since Saturday evening and I'm going to have to get some Pepto Bismol and keep her on her rice/chicken diet for a few more days. I'm a little nervous since it's the beginning of the weekend, but hopefully she'll be back to normal by Monday and we won't have to make a vet visit.

Last night Lyn was walking Ardella and a spaniel came hurling out of the house and tried to attack Ardella. Lyn got between the dogs and Ardella got so frightened she backed out of her collar and Halti and ran to the street. Lyn was able to stop her and the dog's owner got her dog back indoors. I reported this to my leader who in turn reported it to the field rep. I really hope Ardella rebounds from the experience and doesn't develop a fear reaction to other dogs on walks or become aggressive herself. Then there's me - I'm going to have to work on not being nervous when walking Ardella in the neighborhood since I can transfer my nervousness to her. I never really thought about attacking dogs. I think this is an issue I'd like to hear about in class some time because I know it happens and I don't know how to prevent it from happening or stopping it. I would be extremely disappointed if Ardella's career ended over an aggressive dog. There are steps that can be taken if Ardella develops a reaction, but they involve her leaving us for a time and I don't want that to happen.

I have pictures of my toe-up sock. I've finished the gusset and am about to start turning the heel.


First toe-up sock another view

I'm pretty excited about this. I'm being optimistic that the heel will go well and I've been downloading free toe-up patterns off the Internet in anticipation of knitting more.

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