Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Gathering of the Clan

My uncle Ollie in Texas died Monday night. Everyone in the family will be there, except me. My mother warned me years ago that if I moved to Portland I would regret being so far away and that it would be difficult for future children to get to know them or their cousins. Being younger, travel was not an issue for me and I was blind to what the future would bring. Now I see that my mother is right - I almost feel like travel from Oregon hasn't improved much since the days of the pioneers, and it is difficult to go anywhere, especially with no time off built up. I now realize that I will need to build up my vacation hours and not take them because I will inevitably need those for future emergencies. I miss everyone and wish I could be there.

Today is puppy report day and I am pleased to be able to say that Ardella has not had but 1 accident in the house in over a week. She had an accident after a bath last night because she was extremely excited. Other than that, she's been pretty good. She also has been great about being in the office with me (at home), going into her soft crate and sleeping or chewing on a chew toy. I have a meeting at work to attend right before she's 6 months of age and I'm hoping she'll be more than ready to attend it with me.

It will be a busy week for Guide Dog activities. Thursday (tomorrow) is the open house for the Guide Dog Volunteer and Visitor Center and Saturday is graduation. Our puppy club has 4 graduating dogs and this will be the first time I've attended graduation with Ardella.

In knitting news, I succumbed to the Loopy Ewe swap 4. : ) It brightened my day to do so. The Sock Summit released class and registration information today, as well as a new website. It will interfere with Fun Day at the GDB campus, but I think I can manage both.

I've finished up several books, most of which I've enjoyed. I need to write a quarterly summary of books I've read to date. I joined several 52 books in 52 week groups at Library Thing, Shelfari, Good Reads, etc. and I just might get close this year.

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