Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Going to work

Ardella appears to be doing well and has no lingering effects from last week's unfortunate encounter with the neighborhood dog. I just took her for a long walk and she was more interested in the athletes running through the neighborhood than any barking dogs. I think this dog is fearless, actually, and I'm grateful that she is.

Intestinal problems seem to be resolving, too. Apparently sometimes puppies have a hard time readjusting to kibble after an intestinal illness, so we're feeding Ardella Pepto Bismol with her kibble (yuk) and so far so good.

I've been given permission to take Ardella to a meeting at work tomorrow. I'm nervous. Later this week she'll be accompanying Lyn to Corvallis to Quarterly Meeting (Quaker-related thing). I'm going to go to the pet store in a little while to get the ever elusive Best Toy Ever to keep her occupied and sitting quietly (note, there probably isn't such a toy, but I'm on a quest to find it).

I've been perusing the list of dogs in phase 10 because Chelle is arriving soon to get a new guide. I know she'll get placed with the best dog for her, but I still have some hopes for 2 of the dogs I'm familiar with. I've been sending her pictures. I haven't been this excited about guessing dogs since I got Ardella.

I am almost finished with sock #1 and really did enjoy this version of toe-up sock. I'm not sure my perfectionistic expectations makes this sock suitable for my sister's birthday because the heel isn't perfect, but we'll see if I can improve on sock #2. I've also started my Loopy Ewe 4 project.

Family - my birthday is Sunday. I will direct you to my Loopy Ewe wish list! No, I don't have too much yarn - there is no such thing as too much yarn! : )

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