We arrived around 12:40 and found Anna very quickly. She took us to the puppy receiving room where we weighed the puppies. Ardella weighs 37 pounds! There were hellos to be said, status of dogs to check on and seating to be found, so we decided to take pictures after the graduation.
My club had 4 dogs graduating yesterday: Moana, Arley, Shantee, and Gala and our club was well represented. Graduations are just happy times and it never fails to move me when hearing graduates' and puppy raisers' stories and then having the graduates and puppy raisers meet. Graduation is a perfect time to see how the whole process comes together and to remind me of the purpose behind work with Ardella. It's exciting to talk to other raisers, to get advice, to see puppies and how they've developed. The cookies aren't bad either!
After the ceremony, Anna and I had pictures taken of the puppies outside. Ardella and Avani did show signs of recognizing one another but though they would have liked to interact and play, they were pretty good at listening to us.
Here we are placing them on the wall. Ardella kept falling off.
Getting ready to pose:
And posed:
On the sidewalk. We were not the only ones taking pictures of Ardella and Avani. They have striking features and lots of people wanted their pictures!
Ardella got 2 Girl Scout troups wanting to pet her. They lined up to get turns. There were lots of challenges for Ardella yesterday and she did well.
I really enjoyed meeting Anna, her leader Bethany, and coleader Kristy, and talking about dogs and puppy raising. It's interesting how many traits the yellow female puppies in this litter have in common. It's considered a challenging litter. Anna is a wealth of puppy information - she knows the litter mates of many litters, the litter parents in multiple generations. I guess she has a reputation for this and it's fun to see her recall in action. : )
Lyn and I left at 3, went to Taco Del Mar for fish tacos, and then to Knit Purl for me, the library and a trolley ride for Lyn and Ardella, and then home. Ardella was one pooped puppy last night but a good trooper all day. Before we left Boring, Lyn pulled off the side of the road to get a nice picture of Mt. Hood. It's the first time we've seen it in weeks! Look at that blue sky!
It was a fun day. We're going to do it again in May when I'll have a friend or 2 graduating! Can't wait!
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