Friday, August 28, 2009

Humane Society Dog Walker

I went to the local humane society volunteer interview/information session and am now signed up to walk dogs one morning a week. I go through orientation in a few weeks and can expand my duties as I want, and walk more days if I want to. I had put on the form that I wanted to work with both dogs and cats, but I have to start with one species initially. I think I'll be safe in not bringing any dogs home, but the cats are harder to resist. I may wait awhile to work with the cats - I need to grow a spine first.

Speaking of cats, I hadn't wanted to write about this on the same day that I found out about what would be happening with Ardella, but our 15-year-old cat Simba didn't show up for breakfast, nor was he sleeping on the bench he sleeps on. My son had let him outside around 4:30 a.m. and he never came back home. He had been losing weight and getting really stiff the last couple of months and I suspect he is no longer with us. So, we're mourning the loss of 2 animals from our home. The house is feeling more and more empty.

I heard a few minutes ago that my CFR would be taking Ardella to her home next week or right after Labor Day. I should be able to say goodbye at that time. I'm glad to know Ardella's leaving the kennel soon since that's a source of stress for her. It kills me knowing that she's stressed out there. I wish she could stay with us a few days.

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