Saturday, August 22, 2009

Wedding Week

I am so tired I can't see straight, but just a short note to say that I'll post the U-tube link to the wedding in its entirety tomorrow - it's taking a long time to download and I need to go to bed. The short story is that the wedding was beautiful and the company and celebration were wonderful. All my brothers and sisters were there, so were my parents. We haven't been together very often in the last 11 years or so and even though we were busy, it meant a lot to me that they all showed up and were such a big help and support through the week. I also got to spend some time with an old family friend from our days in Tallahassee, Martin. I don't think I'd seen him since high school and I was delighted to visit with him and his wonderful family.

So, pictures tomorrow. More pictures will follow in days to come - most were taken by other people.

Ardella is at the Guide Dog campus and is being evaluated. I've not heard anything and hope to hear something on Monday. I miss her so much and hope we will be reunited soon. I just don't know what to expect.

Ellie left a week ago and I hope she is on her way to a new family soon.

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