Friday, August 7, 2009

Puppy club class observations

Lyn and I tried for 3 hours yesterday to collect Ardella's second urine of the day. Every time she'd squat, we'd try to collect and she'd abruptly stand up and refuse to go. Out of desperation, we called the vet clinic and they agreed to try to collect a sample for us while I was working (a half day) and I could pick her up later in the morning. She wouldn't go for them either. Eight-and-a-half hours later, I went to the clinic, took Ardella outside to the parking lot, walked her around in an area she'd gone before and finally got a sample. This sample looked to be clearly yellow and since Ardella didn't show signs of distress holding her urine all day, the doctor thought things looked promising. So, I'll find out the UA results some time today (I hope).

My hopes for Ardella's future rose (I'm tired of this rollercoaster of questioning) so Lyn and I went to puppy class. Ardella started to get really excited when she saw dogs, I gave a good correction and it was effective. I was excited about that! Ardella is going to be staying with puppy sitter, Peggy, on Keri and Ryan's wedding date, so Lyn and I let Peggy work with Ardella and we had the rare privilege of observing Ardella during class. I was impressed and thought Ardella looked really good physically and behaviorally. She is usually very good in the class and Lyn thinks it might be due to modeling and seeing what the other dogs are doing. At home, Ardella is still very puppy like.

One activity that I enjoyed and that was new for Ardella was when our leader brought a baseball and began rolling it from one person to another. The idea was to expose the dogs to a rolling ball and have the dogs ignore it. Ardella was initially excited by the ball, but with a correction started ignoring it. All the dogs eventually did very well. I plan to do this exercise at home, especially when my 2 nephews are here next week. I think this is something they can do with Ardella that they will enjoy.

Next Saturday evening is when my brother arrives and the week will be full of activity. I have decided to forego Sock Summit and clean house this weekend although we have Fun Day tomorrow and I'll be spending time there. Keri is on her way over to show me the results of her trial hair appointment - I cannot believe how close the wedding date is!

I'll post again when I hear the UA results.

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