Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Sand animation

This was all over Facebook today. I think it's incredible!

Ellie is settling in. I am keeping her separate from the other dogs, especially when eating, alternating who gets crated, who spends time with me, and we're working on moving her out. It's not that I don't want her, it's just not a good time. She's so sweet and is a velcro dog if I've ever seen one. I had a bunch of pictures on Flickr for MARS to put on the NW adoption page and removed them. I'll post her adoption information as soon as it's available.

MARS needs foster homes, badly. I hate puppy mills. HATE them! That's why there are so many mini Aussies available.

P.S. No word from the vet yet about Ardella's culture. He's still playing phone tag with the vet at the Boring campus. We're hoping for better luck tomorrow. It's been a week already!

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