Monday, August 31, 2009

Names and Trying to Speed up Time

I've loved talking about names. I love speculating and trying out possibilities. I'm pretty sure I'm still looking at "A" names and I've added a few that I would like to see. I love Anders, Asher, and Atticus of the names that have been submitted so far. I have a dog named Aidan, and I'm afraid that my new puppy will come with that name. However, I've been reassured that if that happens I can name the puppy a different name. So, I'm kinda hoping that happens! : )

Other names I've found that I like are Aleron, Alderon, Albion, Ari, and Alijah. I like Amarillo and Allegheny for place names, and Spanish names I like are Amando (meaning lovable), Alano (little rock) and Alamar (meaning coated in gold).

There is a possibility that I'll be looking for female "J" puppy names. It depends on the availability of male puppies this close to the delivery. One of my club members can't have a female and I can, so there may be a switch. I have to say I love "J" names. I love Jemima/Jem, Jessamy/Jessa/Jess, Jubilee/Jubie, Julip, January, July, Juno/Juneau, Junie... this list goes on and on.

I still have moments of sadness about Ardella. I learned that she is in foster care now and I had hoped to keep her until she left with my CFR. Then her name was listed under Transferred Puppies in the puppy group blog. I had a few weepy episodes today. I'm doing my best to keep busy and to speed up time. I got together some balls of a cotton-blend yarn I had to make a "going to bed" mat for the new puppies out of these colors:

Going to bed mat for puppy #2

I think I'm going to do a version of the Modern Baby Log Cabin blanket from Mason Dixon Knits, but I don't want to do it in straight garter (too boring) and I think I'll add a seed stitch edge. Here's the blanket I knit for my grand-niece, Ava:

Ava's modern baby blanket

I'm also knitting this scarf for my leader for when she retires early next year. It's called Paws to Remember, which I thought was a fitting title for retirement of a group leader.

Retirement project

I'm using Malabrigo lace and the color is close to the green in the Guide Dog coat.

Lastly, I bought a 5-subject notebook to keep a diary of training and other events in more detail than I can blog about, and a Scrapbook to have something to store pictures and memorabilia of the puppy when the puppy leaves. I also bought a book on scrapbooking - I've not done this before but I like the idea of making this a regular puppy-raising project.

Puppy journal and scrapbook

I'll do anything to make the time go faster! I miss having a puppy in the house!

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