Here's my girl at the beach - in the first picture she is standing beside a pile of kelp and ignoring it. Good girl!
I like picture #2 because it's of Kristin looking into the distance. She's going to be away from us soon and her pose here is like she's looking forward to her future life, whatever that may be.
Lyn took Kristin to Long Beach yesterday where she attended a Quaker worship group and then took a brief walk on the beach. This is Kristin's last week with us and I'm not sure how we're going to wrap things up with Kristin - it seems like there's nothing we can really do to adequately prepare for Kristin's going up to Boring or saying goodbye. Kristin's leaving us is definitely on my mind and I am always stopping and remembering that this is a week of last things to do with Kristin. She and Ardella have been sleeping on her mat at night together - they've become great friends. When Kristin went off with Lyn yesterday, Ardella was moping. When Kristin came home, Ardella got the Labby scoots and was scooting all over the house. Kristin definitely has a place in the family and it's hard to imagine her not being part of our daily life after Saturday.
So, how have others spent last weeks with their dogs? What has made you feel prepared to say goodbye?
I'm excited about our new puppy. Fun Day is going to be an emotional day for us this year. My leader thinks I should return Kristin before Fun Day starts because it's just prolonging the agony, but I'm tempted to keep her for part of it. On the other hand, it might be a better idea to say goodbye in the morning and spend the day adjusting to the fact that we'll be coming home with a very young puppy!
I looked at the California Fun Day pictures and especially paid attention to the puppies being given out. I'm very confused. They were all over the place with litters. I have no idea what to expect now! Not knowing is driving me batty!
I said goodbye to all the foster cats and kittens last week. Frida went back on Monday and was more than ready to return. Merlin and Tulip went back together on Friday. Merlin weighed way over the 2.1 pounds required for neutering and Tulip had gained back 3 pounds. I feel the fostering was successful and I hope that they all find homes very soon.
Edit: I can't believe I forgot this, but I heard from Guide Dogs that McCoy had been placed with a couple in Lake Oswego. They were excited about bringing McCoy into their home. I feel a sense of closure now that McCoy has been placed and feel happy that he belongs to someone now. It would be great to be contacted by the family and to be able to see McCoy enjoying his new status as a pet. Maybe I'll even run into them at an all Lab play date.
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