Saturday, August 7, 2010

Pre Fun Day Post

We're up late. I spent all day long knitting a hat that I ruined when I was binding it off. I am so tired that I'm not going to stay up all night and knit another one. I am going to leave the knitted objects out of the auction basket. Oh well...

Kristin had an evaluation yesterday and she had an accident. However, everything else was so good that the CFR who evaluated her wants to keep trying. Kristin has been pulled off the recall list and will go to a raiser under this CFR who will start Kristin on the new approved food (Natural Balance) to see if that can help her relieving schedule. I'm glad that the CFR is doing this - I'm delighted that Kristin is so good that they will give her a chance to make it to school. Kristin will go back tomorrow and will be with me until right before I get the new puppy (who I am calling The Divine Miss M).

TDMM's siblings have 5-letter, 2-syllable names. I have been thinking of names that fit that category, but like everyone says, no matter what names I think of, I will never guess it. Maisy, Maile, Mavis, Marie, Mary, (can't be Martha), Merry, Mary Mack (all dressed in black...), whatever, I'm eager to learn the new puppy's name.

Camera batteries are charging, most of our forms have been filled out, I think we're prepared. Details of the day will follow some time this afternoon or Sunday.

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